이곳은 인터넷상의 이곳 저곳에서 모은 각종 논문, 잡지 기고문, Conference 발표문서, 관련 Presentation 자료, 기술보고서등만을 따로 분류관리하는 페이지 입니다...
1. Cliff Cummings
2. Stuart Sutherland
3. Don Mills
4. Roman Lysecky
- R. Lysecky, S. Cotterell, F. Vahid A Fast On-Chip Profiler Memory
using a Pipelined Binary Tree. IEEE Transaction on Very Large Scale
Integration (TVLSI), To Appear. PDF
- F. Vahid, R. Lysecky, C. Zhang, G. Stitt. Highly Configurable
Platforms for Embedded Computing Systems. Invited Paper
Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier Publishers, To Appear PDF
- R. Lysecky, F. Vahid. Pre-fetching for Improved Bus Wrapper
Performance in Cores. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of
Electronic Systems (TODAES), Vol. 7, Number 1, January 2002. PDF
- R. Lysecky, F. Vahid. A Codesigned On-Chip Logic Minimizer.
CODES+ISSS 2003, To Appear, October 2003. PDF
- R. Lysecky, F. Vahid. On-Chip Logic Minimization. Design
Automation Conference (DAC), June 2003. PDF
- G. Stitt, R. Lysecky, F. Vahid. Dynamic Hardware/Software
Partitioning: A First Approach. Design Automation Conference (DAC),
June 2003. PDF
- R. Lysecky, S. Cotterell, F. Vahid. A Fast On-Chip Profiler
Memory. Design Automation Conference (DAC), pp. 28-33, June 2002. PDF
- G. Stitt, F. Vahid, T. Givargis, R. Lysecky. A First-step Towards
an Architecture Tuning Methodology for Low Power. Compilers,
Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES), pp. 187-192,
Novemeber 2000. PDF
- R. Lysecky, F. Vahid, T. Givargis. Experiments with the
Peripheral Virtual Component Interface. International Symposium on
System Synthesis (ISSS), pp. 221-224, September 2000. PDF
- R. Lysecky, F. Vahid, T. Givargis. Techniques for Reducing Read
Latency of Core Bus Wrappers. Design Automation and Test in Europe
(DATE) Conference, pp. 84-91, March 2000. PDF
Best Paper Award
- R. Lysecky, F. Vahid, T. Givargis, R. Patel. Pre-fetching for
Improved Core Interfacing. International Symposium on System
Synthesis (ISSS), pp. 51-55, November 1999. PDF
- K.Sekar, S.Dey, "LI-BIST: A Low-Cost Self-Test Scheme for SoC Logic Cores and Interconnects", in Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.113-123, April 2003. pdf
Conference Publications:
- K.Sekar, K.Lahiri, S.Dey, "Dynamic Platform Management for Configurable Platform-Based System-on-Chips", to appear in Proc. International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, San Jose, Nov 2003. pdf
- K.Sekar, S.Dey, "LI-BIST: A Low-Cost Self-Test Scheme for SoC Logic Cores and Interconnects", in Proc. 20th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, Monterey, May 2002. pdf
- I.Ghosh, K.Sekar, V.Boppana, "Design for Verification at the Register Transfer Level", in International Conference on VLSI Design and Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, pp.420-425, Bangalore, January 2002. pdf
- P.Dasgupta, P.P.Chakrabarti, A.Nandi, K.Sekar, A.Chakrabarti, "Abstraction of Word-level Linear Arithmetic Functions from Bit-level Component Descriptions", in Design, Automation, and Test in Europe, pp.4-8, Munich, March 2001. pdf
- S.Dey, P.Sanchez, D.Panigrahi, L.Chen, C.Taylor, K.Sekar, "Using a Soft Core in a SOC Design: Experiences with picoJava", IEEE Design and Test of Computers, vol.17, no.3, pp.60-71, July-September 2000. pdf
- L.Chen, S.Dey, P.Sanchez, K.Sekar, Y.H.Chen, "Embedded Hardware and Software Self-Testing Methodologies for Processor Cores", in Proc. 37th Design Automation Conference, Los Angeles, June 2000. pdf
6. DiVA portal - Linköping University
Other Papers...
- Rindert Schutten, Tom Fitzpatrick, Design for Verification - Blueprint for Productivity and Product Quality, Synopsys, Inc. April 2003

- Lavi Lev, Ted Vucurevich, Right on time -- requirements for advanced custom design, EEdesign, August 22, 2003 (5:28 p.m. EST)
- Graham Prophet, Editor, EDN Europe, Structured ASICs: More gain, less pain?, EDN Europe, 8/7/2003

- Ron Wilson, 'Structured' ASICs arrive, EE Times, May 5, 2003 (10:23 a.m. EST)
- Kapil Batra, Mohammad Suhaib Husain, Verilog Coding Style For Efficient Digital Design

- Keyvani, Maryam. 2001. VHDL Implementation of a High-Speed Symmetric Crossbar Switch, M.A.Sc., Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University.
- Stephen D. Scott, Sharad Seth, and Ashok Samal. A synthesizable VHDL coding of a genetic algorithm.
Technical report UNL-CSE-97-009, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, November 1997. Includes detailed description of functionality of the HGA's VHDL code. (2004.8.15)
- Young Kyu Kang, Dae Won Kim, Taek Won Kwon, Jun Rim Choi, Hash Function Processor Using Resource Sharing for IPSEC Chip
, Kyungpook National University, School of Electronic Engineering (2004.12.03)
- 강용규, 석정희, 최준림, PCI Bus 기반의 IPSEC용 Hash 함수의 FPGA 설계
, 경북대학교 전자공학과 (2004.12.03)
- Douglas J. Smith, VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted - Plus Modeled Example Written in VHDL, Verilog and C
, DAC'96 (2006.5.7)