CATEGORY: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ HDL ]

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - Papers | Part 4 | Part 5
- Navigating VHDL (Here)
This chapter provides an introduction to the basic language constructs in VHDL; defining logic blocks, structural,
dataflow and behavioral descriptions, concurrent and sequential functionality, design partitioning and more.
- Papers
- Femto-VHDL: The Semantics of a
Subset of VHDL and its Embedding in the HOL
Proof Assistant
by John Peter Van
Tassel, Gonville and Caius College
- Recursive and Repetitive Hardware
Models in VHDL
Peter J. Ashenden
- RASSP Benchmark-1 and -2: A Preliminary
 A. H. Anderson, G. S. Downs, G. A.
Shaw, Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
- Reuse-Oriented Model Year Architectures
for Rapid Prototyping
 G. Caracciolo and J. Pridmore, Lockheed
Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories
- Rapid Design and Exploration of
Signal Processing Systems using a VHDL Model
Generator Based Paradigm 1

Scott R. Powell and
Thomas M. Cesear
- Integration of DFT into RASSP

John Evans, Lockheed
Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories
- A Framework for the Development
of Hybrid Models
 Moshe Meyassed, Robert McGraw, James
Aylor, Robert Klenke, Ronald Williams, University
of Virginia Fred Rose, John Shackleton,
Honeywell Technology Center
- Implementation of the RASSP SAR
Benchmark on the Intel Paragon

Curtis P. Brown, Richard
A. Games, John J. Vaccaro, The MITRE Corporation,
- RASSP Technology Insertion into
the Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Processor
 Junius Pridgen, Richard Jaffe, William
Kline, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories
- Approximate Processing and Incremental
Re nement Concepts
 J. Winograd, J. Ludwig, H. Nawab,
A. Chandrakasan, A. Oppenheim, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, RLE, Cambridge, MA
- Workflow Modeling for Implementing
Complex,CAD-Based, Design Methodologies

J. Stavash and J.
Wedgwood, M. Forte
- VHDL Modeling, Test, and Distribution

Vincent L. Sanders,
Robert B. Reese, Aubrey K. Knight, J. Scott
Calhoun, Mississippi State University
- Automated Generation of Accurate
VLSI Behavioral Processor Models for Simulation
and Synthesis
 Yong-kyu Jung 1 , Vijay K. Madisetti,
Georgia Tech
- Integrated Process Control and
Data Management in RASSP Enterprise Systems

John Welsh, Biju Kalathil
and Bipin Chadha Mary Catherine Tuck and William
Selvidge,Elisa Finnie, Arne Bard
- Symbolic Veri cation of Sequential
Circuits Synthesized with CALLAS 1 ; 2 Extended

Thomas Filkorn Michael
Payer 3 Peter Warkentin
- Model Checking in Industrial Hardware

Jorg Bormann, Jorg
Lohse, Michael Payer and Gerd Venzl, Siemens
Corporate R&D
- Formal Veri cation of a PowerPC
TM Microprocessor
 David P. Appenzeller, Andreas Kuehlmann
- VHDL-Translation for BDD-Based
Formal Verification
 Jorg Lohse, Jorg Bormann, Michael
Payer, and Gerd Venzl
- A VHDL Speci cation of a Shared
Memory Parallel Machine for Babel

W. Hansy, J.J. Ruzz,
F.S aenzz, S. Winklery
- The VHDL Scout Handbook - 3'rd Edition
COMPASS Design Automation
11.VHDL Resources...
is a communication environment provided for the modeling of digital systems and
components. It encompasses a client-side VHDL tutorial (lectures and lessons),
a presentation of methods and tools concerning VHDL modeling and an extensive set of links
allowing to view (and use) foreign VHDL tutorials, component libraries, demonstration tools, etc.
VCL is
a useful framework for your VHDL based modeling activities
For high quality VHDL and Verilog training For HDL-based FPGA and ASIC design leadership For true expertise in High Level Design

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