Welcome to the Qualis Library.
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Library. Feel free to browse around and review the topic of your choice.
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What you'll find in the Qualis Library.
Here you will find a selected collection of papers, references and other
information, all of which will be of great value to today's designers and
managers of complex systems. Each library object includes an
opinionated review of its more noteworthy insights so you can tap into
its value quickly. And to make your perusal simpler, you will soon be
able to search the library quickly and easily.
To be sure, this is a very selective library. We have high standards of
excellence, and we don't include poor work or blatant sales hype. Our
Library is growing daily. We will notify you via e-mail as new Library
materials are added if you ask us to. Feel free to bookmark our site
and check back often. If you know of valuable articles or reference
information that should be included, please send it to us at
Library index.
We've organized the Qualis Library into a few distinct categories. You'll
find useful, relevant information on system and ASIC design quickly by
selecting a category from the choices below.
In an upcoming release of the Qualis Library, you will have more
powerful access to the Library by using a text search engine. We will
notify you when the search engine is available.
Methodology Briefs
Design Environment Setup and Management
Verification and Testing
Desiging with Reuse in Mind
On the Edge: Technology Trends
Design for Reuse and IP
Hardware/Software Co-Design
Behavioral Synthesis
World Class Design Successes
Large System Verification
Day-to-Day Wisdom
Design Practices
Low Power Design
Technology Resources
Productivity Enhancement Tools
Information Resources
Sanity Check
The Twisted Humor of John Cooley
So Funny, it's Scary
5335 SW Meadows Suite 450 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 USA
503.670.7200 - fax 503.670.0809 ©1997-1998 Qualis Design Corporation
