Article: TR010
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Verilog and VHDL Quick Reference Cards |
Developed by: |
Qualis Design Corporation |
Download: |
Verilog HDL syntax
vlogref.pdf (Acrobat file, 38 kB) |

Download: |
VHDL syntax (includes VHDL-93)
vhdlref.pdf (Acrobat file, 38 kB) |
Download: |
STD_LOGIC_1164-based packages
1164pkg.pdf (Acrobat file, 38 kB) |
Download: |
All 3 Quick Reference Cards
all_qrcs.zip (zip file, 111 kB) |
Download: |
All 3 Quick Reference Cards
all_qrcs.tar.Z (compressed tarfile, 143 kB) |
DESCRIPTION: Can't quite remember the proper syntax for a Verilog
statement? Confused about which VHDL conversion functions are
supported in Synopsys' STD_LOGIC_ARITH package? No problem.
Just download these Quick Reference Cards and the entire language
syntax will be right at your fingertips.
You can also receive these QRCs on 2-sided, tri-folded, incredibly
durable paper direct from Qualis. Really. Just send us your request
via e-mail. |
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503.670.7200 - fax 503.670.0809 ©1997-1998 Qualis Design Corporation
