[Technology Report]
Tool Up For Alternatives To Standard ASICs
Standard-cell ASIC NREs got your eyes bulging? Check out tools and methodologies for emerging alternatives like structured ASICs and, yes, FPGAs.
David Maliniak
ED Online ID #5715
September 15, 2003
Unfortunately for all of us, the electronics OEM remains in a funk. Yet
design work must go on, or the industry's malaise will linger. Although
some 4000 ASIC starts are projected for 2003, not all of them are going
into high-volume applications, which can make it very difficult to justify
standard-cell nonrecurring engineering charges (NREs).
It's no wonder that research firm Gartner/Dataquest expects only around
6% growth in the ASIC market this year but is projecting growth of over
10% for application-specific standard products (ASSPs) and over 14% for
FPGAs and programmable logic devices. If you look behind the numbers and
at the marketplace activity of late, it's clear that a shift is under way.
For cutting-edge IC designs, standard-cell and custom ASIC
implementation is the ticket to the highest performance allowed by today's
silicon fabrication processes. But given that most IC designs don't see
huge unit volumes and most don't require cutting-edge performance,
designers often seek different solutions for standard-cell ASIC
How you ultimately choose to implement your design is a matter of
tradeoffs, of course, between expected unit volumes, performance
requirements, and your market window. Once all of these are weighed, it
may be that there's a better way for you to go than with a standard-cell
Currently, digital logic can be implemented through four primary
methods. FPGAs are the lowest in risk but carry the highest unit costs.
Gate arrays are a middle ground that has fallen from wide use, as they
call for only somewhat less custom mask making than standard cell.
Standard cell is the option with the highest performance and lowest unit
cost (good), but it also has the longest design cycle and highest NREs
Then there's the fourth option. Quite a bit of excitement surrounds a
reinvention of the gate-array concept that's emerged in the past couple of
years. Known variously as platform ASICs or structured ASICs, these
devices offer performance levels that are just a process generation or so
behind standard-cell performance, which is good enough for a very large
number of applications. For many users, structured ASICs more than make up
for a small performance hit in two ways: NREs are a fraction of
standard-cell costs, and turnaround times are dramatically shorter. Some
vendors claim that designs can go from RTL or gate-level netlist to
prototypes in as little as three weeks.
The concept behind structured ASICs is to simplify the design process
by having a large array of predefined logic cells. Structured ASICs
typically provide on-chip resources that are similar to those found on
high-end FPGA devices. This typically includes embedded memory, I/Os,
clock networks, computational blocks, IP blocks, and deterministic
routing. These resources are pre-fabricated and have been physically
verified to work properly under normal operating conditions to reduce
design cost. The chip is completed by adding two (and sometimes only one)
user-customized metal layers.
STRUCTURED ASICs In surveying some of the
offerings currently on the market, one finds that generally, front-end
tool flows for structured ASICs aren't all that different from the flows
used for standard-cell implementations. That's good news. Design teams
need not completely overhaul their front-end flows to contemplate a switch
to a new implementation platform. But there are certainly considerations
to be made in terms of methodologies.
With regard to the availability of EDA tools for structured ASICs, few
vendors have rushed to market with offerings. Synplicity has been the most
prominent by far. Recently, Magma Design Automation's announcement that it
would acquire Aplus Design Technologies brings it into the mix as well.
Aplus has implemented a physical planning stage that defines interconnect
delays at all levels (global, semi-global, local, etc.) through mapping
and placement. This timing-unified synthesis and mapping process has
awareness of the design's physical implementation and is driven by the
timing model defined in the physical planning stage.
It's important to understand that structured ASIC cell logic blocks are
complex cells. They typically include lookup tables, storage elements,
multiplexers, inverting inputs, and cascading outputs, all common in
FPGAs. A custom mapper that can directly map to individual complex cells
yields the best quality of results.
Why should designers consider structured or platform ASICs for their
chip implementation? Again, it's a matter of tradeoffs. If you know that
the ASIC you're designing will be produced in extremely large volumes, or
if it needs a very large number of gates, or requires absolute
best-in-class performance, then standard cell is probably the best way for
you to implement it. But for mid-volume production runs, or for those
without the budgets for standard-cell NREs, structured ASICs may be the
answer (Fig. 1).
Figure 1

In many cases, the best approach to design for a given structured ASIC
platform of the several on the market depends on the architecture of the
platform itself. NEC Electronics' approach to a design methodology for its
Instant Silicon Solution Platform (ISSP) is to leverage as much of the
existing design flow and its users' experience with that flow as possible.
At the same time, NEC took steps to improve on the existing cell-based
front-end flow, largely through strategic partnerships with key EDA
vendors. Other platform-ASIC vendors have taken this tack as well.
NEC's flow begins with an RTL design description. "The customer has to
consider the structure of ISSP before doing RTL design," says Chung Ho,
NEC's director of strategic marketing. Otherwise, it's difficult to wring
all of the performance potential out of the architecture.
Enhancements to the flow come in two forms. One comes through NEC's
partnership with Tera Systems. NEC uses Tera's TeraForm RTL Design
Consultant and Virtual Prototype technologies to check incoming RTL.
Tera's rule-checking technology, embodied in the RTL Design Consultant, is
used to look for issues in the RTL that would be problematic for the
physical implementation of an ISSP device. Items such as the number of
clock domains and the number of logic levels are checked so that when the
RTL is mapped into the ISSP architecture, areas of concern are flagged.
The handoff point is at the netlist level. As do other ASIC vendors, NEC
provides all of the backend place and route, silicon verification,
design-for-test insertion, and so on.
NEC is one of several structured ASIC vendors who has a joint
development agreement with Synplicity to create custom synthesis mapping
technology for the Synplify ASIC synthesis tool. Synplify ASIC has a
graphical user interface that's not unlike that of its Synplify Pro FPGA
synthesis tool. Because NEC is seeing a number of its ISSP customers
graduating up from the FPGA world, the company likes this about the
Synplicity tools.
The custom mapper accounts for the fundamental ISSP architecture in
terms of the complex gate structure. As a result, the user's logic can
take full advantage of the tradeoff ratio between multiplexers,
flip-flops, gates, and other resources.
LSI Logic has also chosen to incorporate both the Tera Systems and
Synplicity tools in its newly launched RapidWorx design system (Fig. 2). Geared toward
its RapidChip platform ASICs, RapidWorx represents a rules-based
methodology and correct-by-construction flow.
Figure 2

There are five basic steps to the flow: configuration of the RapidChip
slice resources, physical mapping of those resources, RTL rule checking,
physical synthesis, and netlist handoff rule checking. Each step is
launched from within the RapidWorx design cockpit. There's tight
integration between tools to allow for cross-probing from one step to
As in the NEC flow, LSI Logic ensures RTL rule compliance early in the
cycle to prevent problems from propagating downstream. Thanks to the final
gate-level netlist check just before handoff, LSI feels confident in
quoting a layout cycle of 1 million gates per week. The design platform
costs about $50,000 per seat for a six-month license that includes
Synopsys PrimeTime static timing analysis.
AMI Semiconductor, with its XPress Array line of structured ASICs, has
a front-end flow that's more geared toward FPGA design conversions. Yet,
AMI's flow also tries to take maximum advantage of existing tools. "We
prefer to receive RTL design descriptions," says Bob Kirk, AMI's director
of applications engineering for its digital ASIC business unit. "If, for
example, that RTL code was written for Synplify Pro, we use Synplify ASIC
to retarget that to the XPress Array architecture. Conversely, if the
customer has designed the FPGA using the FPGA Compiler from Synopsys,
we'll use Design Compiler to retarget it." AMI also can accept an FPGA
netlist out of synthesis, as well as retarget it.
For both flows, AMI uses Synopsys' LEDA rule checker to ensure that IP
blocks are instantiated in a way that won't trip up physical design. "The
most common problems are in the use of multiple clock domains," says Kirk.
"Many designers don't know how to interface clock domains reliably and
safely. For example, they'll omit the metastability flip flops."
Another structured ASIC vendor, Lightspeed Semiconductor, has also bent
over backwards to accommodate existing ASIC flows as much as possible
(Fig. 3). Users
receive a library that looks like a standard-cell library. They perform
synthesis using their preferred engine and work to achieve
pre-place-and-route timing closure of their design. In the Lightspeed
architecture, metal layer 5, via layer 5, and metal layer 6 are the
customizable layers where users plug in their own logic.
Figure 3

The flow for Lightspeed's third-generation Luminance devices, which
contain up to 10 million usable ASIC gates, does have a couple of
attractive differences. For one, structures to facilitate 100% stuck-at
fault testing are pre-built into the logic fabric. There's no performance
hit or impact on timing, nor is there logic for the customer to insert.
Also, the testing doesn't rely on user clocks.
Another wrinkle is in the post-place-and-route back end, where
Lightspeed gets into its FastFlow timing-closure process. After a first
pass at placement and routing, Lightspeed uses highly targeted tools that
allow application engineers to modify placement to improve timing. In a
matter of hours, engineers can perform placement improvements, incremental
routing, standard-delay format (SDF) extraction, and timing analysis.
The keys, according to Lightspeed VP of engineering Michael Sydow, are
the tools' tight coupling with the architecture and a highly optimized
design database. "The router has a fast incremental capability that
minimizes changes. The goal is to do as little rip-up and rerouting as
possible to keep timing stable," he says. Lightspeed and Synplicity also
are jointly developing a custom mapper for the Luminance products based on
Synplify ASIC.
Coming at the structured ASIC market from a slightly different angle,
ViASIC describes itself as a tool vendor first and foremost. Indeed,
unlike other vendors, ViASIC isn't in the business of selling finished
silicon. Rather, it licenses an architecture and sells a physical design
tool with which to implement it. ViASIC's ViaMask architecture requires
customization of just one mask layer (a via layer between metal layers 3
and 4) for designers to implement an ASIC for the TSMC 180- and 130-nm
The ViaPath physical design tool is what's used to place, optimize, and
route a ViaMask design. The architecture is basically a sea of gates with
about a dozen basic logic gates, such as two-way NANDs, multiplexers,
inverters, and other functions repeated throughout the chip. Also
interspersed in the pre-defined metal layers is a true dual-port RAM.
A ViaMask design begins with a synthesized gate-level netlist. The
ViaPath tool maps that netlist over to the ViaMask fabric, determining the
required ratio of logic cells. The tool then places those particular cells
onto the architecture and turns to the routing, which is a matter of
determining which vias need to be placed and where. The tool's output is
the GDSII file for the via layer, which is combined with the GDSII file
for the foundry's master tile. The final steps are extraction and/or
Chip Express, which offers structured ASICs in both 0.25-µm and 180-nm
technologies, sees customers coming down from standard-cell ASIC as well
as FPGA conversions. "We see designs coming in at multiple entry points,"
says Steve Bateman, VP of engineering. An increasingly popular option is
RTL handoff. "As we find ourselves with customers wanting to hand off at
higher levels of abstraction, that gives us some interesting challenges
from the design-flow perspective," he adds.
Many of Chip Express' customers follow more or less a traditional
standard-cell model in which they hand off a gate-level netlist. Others
are moving to RTL handoff, and for that, Chip Express relies on Atrenta's
Spyglass RTL rule checker and anxiously awaits its forthcoming constraints
checker. For Chip Express, comfort with RTL handoff requires up-front
partnering with the customer to ensure that it will receive clean RTL.
But FPGA conversion customers, Bateman says, can be more problematic.
Many of them are prototyping in FPGAs and have figured out that FPGAs can
be prohibitively expensive for a production run of any appreciable size.
The problem is that RTL written for FPGAs differs from that written for
ASIC implementation. Because of the ability to quickly reprogram an FPGA
prototype, many FPGA RTL coders are, as Bateman puts it, "less than
disciplined." Here again is where RTL rule checking comes in. It enables
Chip Express to quickly find problems in the RTL that would stack the deck
against a quick turnaround in physical design while adding value to
OPTING FOR FPGAs While structured ASICs
are the right choice for many designers, plenty of other designers ply the
waters of FPGA design. This can be as a prototyping vehicle or for
small-to-medium production runs. The fact is that FPGAs are becoming more
affordable while performance continues to rise. Though large FPGA vendors
continue to provide tools for their devices, others are stepping into the
fray with everything from standalone tools to entire flows.
FPGA tools have been traditionally viewed as simple and easy to use,
says Dennis Kish, VP of marketing at Actel. "However, this is changing
with the availability of large FPGAs that are getting more complex with
each new generation of technology," he says.
As FPGAs continue along the complexity curve, tool flows for FPGAs are
beginning to resemble, in certain respects, traditional ASIC flows. This
can be seen with technologies such as physical synthesis and formal
verification moving into the FPGA flow.
Another example of ASIC-like tool technology moving into the FPGA flow
comes from startup Hier Design. Hier's PlanAhead takes silicon virtual
prototyping, a technology aimed at the ASIC mainstream, and moves it into
the FPGA domain (Fig.
4). Claiming that a flat flow is inefficient for today's large
FPGA designs, Hier's tool, which is geared strictly for Xilinx Virtex-II
and Spartan3 devices, sits between synthesis and place-and-route to
provide a less iterative path from netlist through physical design.
Figure 4

The tool partitions the synthesized netlist either manually or
automatically. Designers can then implement blocks individually and
assemble them for performance analysis before other blocks are completed.
The block-based, hierarchical, and incremental approach permits creation
and manipulation of physical hierarchy independently from logical
hierarchy. At the same time, designers can plan and analyze multiple
physical implementations.
"Floorplanning is not good enough," says Salil Raje, Hier's VP of
engineering. "Floorplanning is essentially adding area constraints into
your netlist. What you really need to know is whether the use of these
partitions will cause congestion after place and route."
Hier's silicon virtual prototyping capability goes beyond partitioning
and adding area constraints to ensure that partitioning results in more
connectivity within blocks than between blocks. The opposite scenario,
says Raje, defeats the purpose of partitioning and it might as well be
placed and routed flat.
The PlanAhead tool, which sells for $25,000 for a one-year time-based
license, is available now. Supported platforms include Sun Solaris 5.8,
Linux 7.3, and Windows XP.
Not all FPGA vendors are sold on the concept of silicon virtual
prototyping, though. "If you have a well designed, high-performance device
architecture, there is no need for this kind of tool for most designs,"
says Tim Southgate, Altera's VP of software and tools marketing. "However,
for those difficult designs, it can be helpful to make use of
floorplanning and physical synthesis."
Altera provides established FPGA synthesis vendors with its device
architecture data. As a result, the vendors can optimize their tools for
placement-based physical synthesis and shorten the synthesis placement
iterative cycle. But the challenge for EDA vendors is that this capability
is unique to each FPGA architecture, so it requires a large effort to
develop physical synthesis support.
For its part, says Actel's Kish, Actel will introduce floorplanning
technology in its next-generation integrated design environment. This new
feature will aid logic placement, I/O assignment, and routing to achieve
the best tradeoffs between achieving optimal design density and
Other vendors have pushed to beef up their FPGA flows to handle the
larger devices. Mentor Graphics has announced a three-part flow extending
from high-level design through the programmed part's interface to the pc
"We believe that design of complex FPGAs is not just synthesis and
place and route anymore, which is currently a mainstream design flow,"
says Simon Bloch, Mentor's general manager for FPGA design. Issues like
multiple clock domains complicate matters, as does complexity itself.
"We're seeing place-and-route cycles for 6-million-gate devices taking 24
hours. If the engineers do 50 iterations, which is not unusual for devices
this large, the resulting design cycle begins to look like that of a small
ASIC," he continues.
Mentor's answer is a flow that spans design and verification for the
FPGA itself, the embedded system it's part of, and the pc board(s) that
carry that system. The flow comprises existing tools, such as the HDL
Designer tool suite, the Precision RTL synthesis tool, ModelSim for HDL
simulation, and Seamless for hardware/software co-verification. They'll be
augmented, in time, with other offerings in areas such as high-level
synthesis and, possibly, formal verification. Mentor also will work to tie
generic tools, such as Platform Express, Seamless, and its
software-development tools like Nucleus, CodeLab, and the XRay debugger,
to specific FPGA devices.
Also taking a high-level approach to FPGA design is Celoxica, which
recently announced support for the 90-nm version of Xilinx's Spartan3
devices. Celoxica's DK Design Suite provides a C-based language design
environment that enables partitioning of designs between hardware and
software. It offers seamless verification of the system at the
architectural level and direct synthesis from C-based models. Celoxica's
methodology supports C, C++, SystemC, and Handel-C.
While Mentor contemplates high-level FPGA synthesis, it's already
arrived in the form of AccelChip's AccelFPGA tool. Version 2.0 of the
tool, which automatically generates synthesizable RTL models directly from
Matlab, carries enhancements that boost DSP developers' ability to
synthesize Matlab designs. DSP developers are freed from using Matlab
designs as specifications for driving manual RTL modeling. New in version
2.0 is automated support for conversion from floating-point to fixed-point
representations, as well as support for automatic import of foreign
models. This paves the way for a new library of DSP IP, called AccelWare,
for release in the third quarter.
Full FPGA tool suites don't always have to target the highest-end
devices, though. In its Board-on-Chip technology rollout, Altium targets
the Xilinx Spartan and Altera Cyclone devices, preferring to call these
"low-cost system FPGAs."
Like Mentor, Altium's flow is a system-level approach with several main
thrusts. First is a capture environment for system-level design based on
the nVisage schematic-entry package, which enables mixed schematic-level
and HDL design. Altium's approach to IP is a critical element here.
"An important part of the technology is the ability to supply
high-level components in a pre-packaged, pre-synthesized form," says Rob
Irwin, Altium's manager for brand strategy. "So we'd supply soft cores.
Also a range of peripherals and analogous components to say, muxes, logic
devices, that sort of thing."
A third component of Altium's flow is to provide reconfigurable
hardware development platforms. The NanoBoard breadboards will eventually
broaden into an application-specific line for various kinds of design
work. Last is a comprehensive approach to software development, embodied
in the Tasking products.
FPGA vendors themselves continue to improve both their hardware and
software offerings. This is exemplified in Altera's HardCopy Stratix
mask-programmed devices and Quartus II version 3.0 design software (see
"Hardwired FPGA Option Shrinks Chip Size And Cost," Electronic
Design, July 21, 2003, p. 34, ED Online 5318). The HardCopy Stratix
parts offer up to 100% performance gains over the Stratix FPGAs, while
lowering power consumption and per-part costs compared with the earlier
HardCopy APEX devices.
The new Quartus II release lets designers directly target HardCopy
Stratix devices from the beginning of the development cycle, rather than
doing development work on FPGAs first and then moving the design over to
the HardCopy platform. The software delivers design performance metrics
for these devices as early in the cycle as it does for FPGAs. Designers
can assess speed performance, power consumption, logic-cell placement, and
I/O assignments before implementation, an essential capability for
system-level board design.
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