Guide for Leonardo Spectrum
Synthesis tool
Invoking the Leonardo Environment
- Invoke
Leonardo with the following command: [>leo
- Select
LeonardoSpectrum Level 3 and press OK;
- The
following window will appear to you (Figure

Figure 1 First window opening with Leonardo
Spectrum synthesis tool
The basic steps required to synthesize a HDL design are the following:
- Selecting
a target technology for synthesis;
- Reading
in the HDL design;
- Synthesizing
the design (optimizing the logic and mapping to the target technology);
- Writing
out the synthesized netlist in a format, which can be used by gate-level
simulation and/or FPGA layout tools.
To follow all these steps select Advanced FlowTabs
by icon with red A letter. Tabs depict basic steps.
Selecting target technology
- Select
tab Technology;
- Open
list under the ASIC directory;
- Open
list under the Sample directory;
- Choose
SCS05u technology
- Press
Load Library button.

Figure 2
Technology selection window
Reading the input design
- Specify
working directory - the directory where you want to create working files
for Leonardo;
- Open
files you want to synthesize with a specific button (for example counter.vhd);
- Select
the file you want to read now in the window with opened files;
- Take
off the tick in Run Elaborate option;
- Press
Read button;

Figure 3
Reading design window
- Select
Elaborate tab (these tabs are down);
- Specify
top level design, for example agener and corresponding architecture
(in our example one_direction);
- Into
the field Generics specify generic values, for example bitwidth=4;
- Press
Elaborate button;

Figure 4
Elaborate Design window
Specifying constraints
- Select
tab Constraints;
- Specify
clock frequency;
- Press
Apply button;

Figure 5
Specifying constraints window
Synthesizing the design
- Select
tab Optimize;
- Press
Optimize button;

Figure 6
Optimize window
Navigation in the hierarchy
- Find
“View RTL Schematic” icon to see the RTL schematic view of the
- synthesized
- Find
“View Technology Schematic” icon to see technology schematic view of the
synthesized design;
Generating Reports
- Select
tab Report;
- Down
tabs specify report types: Report Area and Report
- You
can either specify the report to the file or just to see it in the command
window (in the lab’s report these results should be added).
Exiting the synthesis tool