function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&ideveloper // Digital MediaVision // December 12, 2002 function toggleSearch(imageName) {// Purpose: Toggle between searching options var btnSRC = document.images[imageName].src; // Grab the SRC reference btnSRC = btnSRC.split('/'); // Convert the sting to an array to isolate btn SRC var btnLength = btnSRC.length; var btn = btnSRC[btnLength - 1]; // Identify the btn gif src that is being clicked var on = 'checkbox_on.gif'; var off = 'checkbox_off.gif'; HWYLTS = ['author', 'isbn', 'title', 'searchAll']; // How would you like to search? Option Array switch (imageName){ // If ALL TITLES btn is selected // ALL TITLES btn is SELECTED by DEFAULT case 'allTitles': if (btn == on) {// toggles off ALL TITLES btn document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; document.images['bkCompanion'].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; }else{ document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; document.images['bkCompanion'].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; } break; // if BOOK COMPANION btn is selected case 'bkCompanion': if (btn == off) { document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; document.images['allTitles'].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; }else{ document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; document.images['allTitles'].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; } break; // if CURRENT DISCIPLINE btn is selected // CURRENT DISCIPLIE is SELECTED by DEFAULT case 'currentDiscipline': if (btn == off) { document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; document.images['allDisciplines'].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; }else{ document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; document.images['allDisciplines'].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; } break; // if ALL DISCIPLINES btn is selected case 'allDisciplines': if (btn == on) { document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; document.images['currentDiscipline'].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; }else{ document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; document.images['currentDiscipline'].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; } break; // if SEARCH ALL btn is selected // SEARCH ALL is SELECTED by DEFAULT case 'searchAll': if (btn == off) { document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; // Turn off all the other btns except the one selected for (i=0; i < HWYLTS.length ; i++) { if (HWYLTS[i] != imageName) { document.images[HWYLTS[i]].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; } } }else{ document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; } break; // if AUTHOR btn is selected case 'author': if (btn == off) { document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; // Turn off all the other btns except the one selected for (i=0; i < HWYLTS.length ; i++) { if (HWYLTS[i] != imageName) { document.images[HWYLTS[i]].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; } } }else{ document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; } break; // if TITLE btn is selected case 'title': if (btn == off) { document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; // Turn off all the other btns except the one selected for (i=0; i < HWYLTS.length ; i++) { if (HWYLTS[i] != imageName) { document.images[HWYLTS[i]].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; } } }else{ document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; } break; // if ISBN btn is selected case 'isbn': if (btn == off) { document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_on.gif'; // Turn off all the other btns except the one selected for (i=0; i < HWYLTS.length ; i++) { if (HWYLTS[i] != imageName) { document.images[HWYLTS[i]].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; } } }else{ document.images[imageName].src = '/images/forms/checkbox_off.gif'; } break; } } function gotomail_URL() { var subscription_option = document.myform.subscription_option.options[document.myform.subscription_option.selectedIndex].value; var email_address = document.myform.email_address.value; if( email_address == ''){ alert ("Please enter an email address"); return false; } var server_name = ""; var action = ""; var before_question_mark = "http://"+server_name+action; var after_question_mark = "fid=M53&discipline_number=&subscription_option="+subscription_option+"&email_address="+email_address; var theURL = before_question_mark+"?"+after_question_mark; var features = 'menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=620,height=500'; bud =,"popit3",features); bud.focus(); }