Worldwide Course Schedule, Doulos VHDL
Training and Verilog Training
Course Locations
VHDL TechClasses
in the United Kingdom
Public courses now in 7 countries in 3
In England, Scotland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden,
and the United States.
And..., you can pay for Doulos courses in
euros, if you wish 
Southern England |
United States |
Edinburgh |
Manchester |
France (course
leadership in French) |
Sweden |
Germany (course
leadership in German) |
Netherlands |
In the
United States:
To provisionally book a place on one of our
Public Courses, or for On Site Course details, please click here.
In Europe
and the Far East:
To provisionally book a place on one of our
Public Courses, or for On Site Course details, please click here.
On Site
Courses also available in North America and the Far East
European Public
Course Schedule for February 1999 through June 1999
Week |
M |
T |
W |
T |
F |
Dates |
6 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
February 8th -
12th |
6 |
Advanced VHDL Techniques |
February 9th -
12th |
7 |
Verilog for FPGA/ASIC
Design |
February 15th -
18th |
7 |
Advanced VHDL Techniques |
February 15th -
18th |
8 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
February 22nd -
26th |
9 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
March 1st - 5th |
10 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
March 8th - 12th |
10 |
Advanced VHDL for
Synthesis |
March 9th - 11th |
11 |
Verilog for FPGA/ASIC
Design |
March 16th - 19th |
11 |
Altera TechClass |
March 17th - 18th |
12 |
Advanced VHDL Techniques |
March 22nd - 25th |
12 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
March 22nd - 26th |
12 |
Comprehensive VHDL
(Systems) |
March 22nd - 26th |
13 |
Xilinx TechClass |
March 30th - 31st |
13 |
Advanced VHDL Techniques |
March 30th - April
2nd |
15 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
April 12th - 16th |
16 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
April 19th - 23rd |
16 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
April 19th - 23rd |
17 |
Xilinx TechClass |
April 28th - 29th |
17 |
Advanced VHDL for
Synthesis |
April 27th - 29th |
17 |
Verilog for FPGA/ASIC
Design |
April 26th - 29th |
18 |
Verilog for FPGA/ASIC
Design |
May 4th - 7th |
19 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
May 10th - 14th |
19 |
Advanced VHDL Techniques |
May 10th - 13th |
20 |
Altera TechClass |
May 18th - 19th |
20 |
Xilinx TechClass |
May 20th - 21st |
20 |
Advanced VHDL Techniques |
May 17th - 20th |
20 |
Advanced VHDL Techniques |
May 17th - 20th |
20 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
May 17th - 21st |
21 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
May 24th - 28th |
23 |
Comprehensive VHDL
(Systems) |
June 7th - 11th |
24 |
Comprehensive VHDL |
June 14th - 18th |
Comprehensive VHDL for FPGA/ASIC
for ASIC Design
Advanced VHDL Techniques
VHDL for Synthesis
Comprehensive VHDL for Systems
Doulos Home Page
Copyright 1995-1999 Doulos
This page was last updated 19th February 1999
We welcome your e-mail comments. Please contact us at: