VHDL pacemaker icon Multimedia Tutorial Edition, Doulos VHDL Training

The edition offering both low cost Teach-Yourself VHDL and a comprehensive VHDL Design Reference

This edition of PaceMaker is a full VHDL tutorial aimed at FPGA/ASIC users using VHDL and synthesis in their design process. This edition has been designed to be a useful project reference for VHDL as well as a self-teach tool.

VHDL Pacemaker CBT multimedia CD package

A pocket size comprehensive VHDL Reference Guide

All the information you require to get up to speed with VHDL is here in this edition in an accessible interactive form.

This is high quality proven and practical material at an affordable price. It covers all the essentials for the application of VHDL and synthesis in online form. Based on the highly successful DOULOS VHDL training material presented to literally thousands of engineers, it has the equivalent content to an intensive 2 day course. You also get your own personal hard copy Comprehensive VHDL Reference Guide.

So at a time and place to suit you, you can learn all the essentials of how to design hardware with VHDL.

And then days, weeks or even months later when you need to clarify your understanding or reinforce your initial training, VHDL PaceMaker Reference Edition is ideal as a VHDL refresher.

And even when you are into project, the Glossary will lead you online to the topic in question and the many project tips in the reference guide will help you avoid those pitfalls and make the most of your newly acquired knowledge.

To reserve your own personal copy of VHDL PaceMaker Reference Edition, click here. The minimum system requirement you need to run this edition is a 486-based PC with 8MB RAM running Windows 3.1 or later.

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This page was last updated 9th June 1997.

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