ProASICPLUS Starter Kit
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The ProASIC PLUS Starter Kit is a
complete package that enables you to quickly evaluate Actel's
ProASICPLUS family and prototype your design.
The low cost ProASICPLUS Starter Kit contains
everything you need to start using the advanced features of Actel's
ProASICPLUS family.
The Starter Kit includes the following major items:
- Evaluation Board with an APA075-PQ208
ProASICPLUS device
evaluation board has on-board voltage regulation for 2.5V and 3.3V
supplies, enabling you to set the I/O voltage (VDDP) to
either 2.5V or 3.3V. You can generate the system clock using the
on-board oscillator and PLLs with the ProASICPLUS
device. Eight LEDs and four switches provide inputs and outputs to
the system.
- FlashPro Lite
Lite is a portable, low-cost programmer for Actel's
ProASICPLUS devices. The FlashPro Lite's ultra small
form factor, low cost and easy-to-use software makes programming
ProASICPLUS devices a simple task.
- Actel Libero Gold Integrated Design Environment (IDE)
Libero Integrated Design Environment (IDE) consists of a
powerful suite of FPGA development tools providing designers with
an efficient and comprehensive start to finish methodology. In
addition to Actel's Designer software, Libero Gold also includes
FPGA tools from industry leaders such as Synplicity, SynaptiCad,
and Mentor Graphics.
- User's Guide
For those who have not used Actel's
ProASICPLUS devices or Actel's Libero IDE, the
ProASICPLUS Starter Kit contains a user's guide that
takes you step-by-step through the entire designer process.
- Aside from the items mentioned above, the Starter Kit also
contains a programming cable, power supply, schematics and sample
More information:
Ordering Information:
Description |
Vendor |
Ordering Code |
Comment |
ProASICPLUS Starter Kit |
Actel |
Kit includes: APA075 eval board, FlashPro
Lite, Libero Gold, User's Guide, programming cable, power
supply, schematics, sample design
ProASICPLUS Starter Kit에 포함된 CDROM의 압축image 파일입니다... 포함된 내용은 User's Guide, P-CAD로 작업한 Schematic과 PCB 설계파일, Gerber Data, Sample Project등입니다... (4,487,522 bytes) 
각각의 PCB Layer를 Gerber Viewer에서 열어서 PDF로 변환한 문서입니다... 출력하여 문서로 보관하거나, 눈으로 대략적인 파악을 하실 필요가 있을 때 나름대로 유용하리라 생각합니다... GWK1.pdf (2,731,565 bytes) 
PCB의 각Layer별 도면을 Capture한 그림입니다... 각 그림을 클릭하시면 원래 크기의 그림을 보실 수 있습니다... 또한 아래그림을 한번에 받으실 수 있도록 별도의 압축파일도 준비해 두었습니다... (842,444 bytes) 