- Physical Access.
The process of obtaining use of a
computer system, development tools, or direct access to a system
and its components. For example by sitting down at a keyboard, or
being able to enter specific area(s) of the organization where the
main computer systems are located, or accessing system level
hardware or in some cases even board level components.
- Logical Access.
The process of being able to enter,
modify, delete, or inspect records, designs, schematics, source
code, and other data held on a computer system or device by means
of providing an ID and password (if required). The view that
restricting physical access relieves the need for logical access
restrictions is misleading. Any organization, systems, or devices
within a system with communications links to the outside world has
a security risk of logical access.
- Access
- Access control refers to the rules and
deployment of mechanisms that control access to information
systems, and physical access to premises and systems. The entire
subject of Information Security is based upon Access Control,
without which Information Security cannot, by definition,
- Access Rights
- The powers granted to users to create,
change, delete, or simply view data and files within a system,
according to a set of rules defined by IT and business management.
It is not necessarily true that the more senior a person, the more
power granted. For example, most logic design activity is
performed at a relatively junior level, and it is not uncommon for
senior management to not even have access rights to view schematic
level data. There are very good Internal Control and Audit reasons
for adopting this approach.
- Accidental Damage
- In relation to System and Device level
Security, accidental damage refers to damage or loss that is
caused as a result of a genuine error or misfortune. However,
despite the genuine nature of the accident, such incidents can and
should be prevented by awareness, alertness, and action.
- Advanced Encryption Standard. This is a
state of the art algorithm developed by Rijndael and chosen by the
United States National Institute of Standards and Technology on
October 2, 2000. Although selected, it was not officially
"approved" by the US Secretary of Commerce until Q2 2001.
- American National Standards Institute which
is the main organization responsible for furthering technology
standards within the USA. ANSI is also a key player with the
International Standards Organization (ISO).
- Antifuse FPGA
based on a technology that utilizes amorphous silicon to make the
interconnect. Antifuse FPGAs are one-time-programmable, live at
power up, and secure.
- Application
- A computer system, program, or set of
- Application-Specific Integrated Circuit.
Typically a custom solution constructed to order for a specific
application and function. Associated with significant barriers to
entry that limit participation to high volume applications that
can benefit from economies of scale.
- Auditor
- Person employed to independently verify the
quality and integrity of the work that has been undertaken within
a particular area, with reference to accepted procedures.
- Authentication
- Authentication refers to the verification of
the authenticity of either a person or of data, e.g. a message may
be authenticated to have been originated by its claimed source.
Authentication techniques usually form the basis for all forms of
control to systems and data.
- Authorization
- The process whereby a person approves a
specific event or action. In companies with access rights
hierarchies it is important that audit trails identify both the
creator and the authorizer of new or amended data. It is an
unacceptably high risk situation for one to have the power to
create new entries and then to authorize those same entries

- Backup
- The process whereby copies of computer or
design files are taken in order to allow recreation of the
original, should the need arise. A backup is a spare copy of a
file, file system, design, schematic, or other resource for use in
the event of failure or loss of the original.
Ideally the backup copies should be kept at a
different site or in a fire safe. Although hardware may be insured
against fire, the data on it is almost certainly neither insured
nor easily replaced. Consequential loss policies to insure against
data loss can be expensive, but are well worth considering.
- Biometric Access
- Security Access control systems which
authenticate (verify the identity of) users by means of physical
characteristics, e.g. face, fingerprints, voice, or retina
- Boeing Syndrome
- The ultimate disaster scenario for
contingency planning purposes. The name allegedly comes from a
conference in which IT specialists, administrators, and planners
were asked first to imagine that a Boeing 747 Jumbo fell out of
the air onto their computer center (with the resulting complete
loss of systems), and then asked to prepare a contingency/disaster
recovery plan to keep their organization going in such
circumstances. A very useful exercise - for all companies who
often do not realize just how important their computer systems are
to their continued existence as a viable business. Also useful for
worst case scenario security planning. For example, what would
happen if the code from my core component was posted in the public
- Boot-up
- Slang. The act of initializing a system or
configuring an FPGA. Typically associated with a time delay until
the system is functional. This is the time when an SRAM-based FPGA
is most vulnerable to having its contents captured. (see
Configuration Device)
- BS 7799
- The British Standard for Information
Security which was re-issued in 1999 in two parts. Part 1 is the
Code of Practice for Information Security Management and Part 2
specifies the requirements for implementing Information Security
in compliance with the Code of Practice. In October 2000, BS 7799
was elevated to become an International Standards Organization
(ISO) standard - ISO 17799.
- Business Assets
- The term Business Assets, as it relates to
Information Security, refers to any information upon which the
organization places a measurable value. By implication, the
information is not in the public domain and would result in loss,
damage, or even business collapse, were the information to be
lost, stolen, corrupted, or in any way compromised.
By identifying and valuing the business
assets in an organization, and the systems that store and process
them, an appropriate emphasis may be placed upon safeguarding
those assets which are of higher value than those that are
considered easily replaceable - such as information in the public

- The Computer Emergency Response Team is
recognized as the Internet's official emergency team. It was
established in the USA by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) in 1988 following the Morris computer Worm
incident, which crippled approximately 10% of all computers
connected to the Internet.
CERT is located at the Software Engineering
Institute, a US government funded research and development center
operated by Carnegie Mellon University, and focuses on security
breaches, denial-of-service incidents, provides alerts and
incident-handling and avoidance guidelines. CERT also covers
hardware and component security deficiencies that may compromise
existing systems.
CERT is also the publisher of Information
Security alerts, training, and awareness campaigns. CERT may be
found on the World Wide Web at http://www.cert.org/.
- Change Control
- An internal control procedure by which only
authorized amendments are made to the organization's software,
hardware, network access privileges, or business process. This
method usually involves the need to perform an analysis of the
problem and for the results to be appended to a formal request
prepared and signed by the senior representative of the area
concerned. This proposal should be reviewed by management (or
committee) prior to being authorized. Implementation should be
monitored to ensure security requirements are not breached or
- Checksum
- Checksum is a technique whereby the
individual binary values of a string of storage locations on your
computer are totaled, and the total retained for future reference.
On subsequent accesses, the summing procedure is repeated, and the
total compared to the one derived previously. A difference
indicates that an element of the data has changed during the
intervening period. Agreement provides a high degree of assurance
(but not total assurance) that the data has not changed during the
intervening period.
A checksum is also used to verify that a
network transmission has been successful. If the counts agree, it
is safe to assume that the transmission was completed
A checksum also refers to the unique number
that results by adding up every element of a pattern in a
programmable logic design. Typically, either a four or eight digit
hex number, it is a quick way to identify a pattern, since it is
very unlikely two patterns will ever have the same
- Cipher
- A cipher is the generic term used to
describe a means of encrypting data. In addition, the term cipher
can refer to the encrypted text itself. Encryption ciphers will
use an algorithm, which is the complex mathematical calculation
required to 'scramble' the text, and a 'key.' Knowledge of the key
will allow the encrypted data to be decrypted.
- Clear Desk Policy
- A policy of the organization, which directs
all personnel to clear their desks at the end of each working day,
and file everything appropriately. Desks should be cleared of all
documents and papers, including the contents of the 'in' and 'out'
trays! The purpose of the Clear Desk Policy is not simply to give
the cleaners a chance to do their job, but to ensure that
sensitive papers and documents are not exposed to unauthorized
persons out of working hours.
- Clear Screen Policy
- A policy of the organization, which directs
all users of screens or terminals to ensure that the contents of
the screen are protected from prying eyes and other opportunistic
breaches of confidentially. Typically, the easiest means of
compliance is to use a screen saver that will engage, either on
request, or after a specified time.
- Clipper chip
- A tamper-resistant VLSI chip designed by NSA
for encrypting voice communications. It conforms to the Escrow
Encryption Standard (EES) and implements the Skipjack encryption
- Cloning
- The act of copying a design without making
any changes. No understanding of the design or the ability to
modify the design is required.
- Communications Line
- Within a communications network, the route
by which data is conveyed from one point to another. Recently the
term has started to be replaced by 'Communications Link' to
reflect the fact that a growing number of small networks, even
within the same building, are using radio ('wireless')
communications rather than fixed cables.
- Communications Network
- A system of communications equipment and
communication links (by line, radio, satellite, etc.) that enables
computers to be separated geographically while remaining connected
to each other.
- Computer Viruses
- Computer Viruses are pieces of programming
code that have been purposely written to inflict an unexpected
result upon an innocent victim. There are now approximately 50,000
viruses and their variants for which known cures or 'vaccines' are
Viruses are transmitted within other
(seemingly) legitimate files or programs, the opening, or
execution of which, causes the virus to run and to replicate
itself within your computer system, as well as performing some
sort of action. Such actions can be as harmless as causing
characters to 'fall off' the screen (early DOS based virus in the
1980s), to the most malicious viruses which destroy data files and
replicate themselves to everyone in your e-mail
Researchers are now looking at another
possible virus that targets systems using a reconfigurable FPGA.
In this scenario, a hostile party could replace a valid bitstream
with random bits or a self-replicating series of bits that would
likely result in internal electrical conflicts that may destroy
the device.
- Confidentiality
- Assurance that information is shared only
among authorized persons or organizations. Breaches of
confidentiality can occur when data is not handled in a manner
adequate to safeguard the confidentiality of the information
concerned. Such disclosure can take place by word of mouth, by
printing, copying, e-mailing or creating documents and other data.
The classification of the information should determine its
confidentiality and hence the appropriate safeguards.
- Configuration
- The act of programming an SRAM-based FPGA at
system power up to make it functional. Configuration requires the
use of a configuration device, which is typically a PROM (see
PROM) or other type of memory.
- Contingency Planning
- Contingency planning plans for the
unexpected or for the possibility of circumstances changing.
Contingency plans are individual plans associated with individual
projects or programs.
A contingency plan is never expected to be
executed; as a result, situations in which attention to detail and
the budget allocation are clearly inadequate guarantee failure if
it is executed.
As with any plan, it is essential to agree
the 'trigger(s)' that will result in the plan coming into force
and the subsequent 'chain of command' that will take over during that
- Corrupt Data
- Data that has been received, stored, or
changed, so that it cannot be read or used by the program that originally
created the data.
- Complex Programmable Logic Device. Usually a
simple low density programmable logic solution. Typically contains
macrocells that are interconnected through a central Global
Routing Pool. This type of architecture provides moderate speed
and predictable performance. Traditionally targeted towards low
end consumer products.
- Cracker
- A cracker is either a piece of software
(program) whose purpose is to 'crack' the code to a password,
encryption key, or configuration bitstream; or 'cracker' refers to
a person who attempts to gain unauthorized access to a computer
system, hardware, or board level components. Such persons are
usually ill intentioned and perform malicious acts of crime and
- Code breaking software. A piece of software designed
to decipher a code, but used most often to crack a system. Given
sufficient time, and sufficient computer power, ANY password can
be broken - even one of 64 case-sensitive characters.
- Illegal entry into a computer system. These
individuals often have malicious intent and can have multiple
tools for breaking into a system. The term was adopted circa
1985 by hackers in defense against journalistic misuse of
- Cryptography
- The subject of cryptography is primarily
concerned with maintaining the privacy of communications, and
modern methods use a number of techniques to achieve this.
Encryption is the transformation of data into another usually
unrecognizable form. The only means to read the data is to
de-crypt the data using a (secret) key, in the form of a secret
character string, itself encapsulated within a pre-formatted
(computer) file.
- Cybercrime
- Cybercrime is any criminal activity that uses network
access to commit a criminal act. With the exponential growth of
Internet connection, the opportunities for the exploitation of any
weaknesses in Information Security are multiplying.
Cybercrime may be internal or external, with
the former easier to perpetrate.
The term has evolved over the past few years
since the adoption of Internet connection on a global scale with
hundreds of millions of users. Cybercrime refers to the act of
performing a criminal act using cyberspace (the Internet), as the
communications vehicle. Some would argue that a cybercrime is not
a crime as it is a crime against software and not against a
person's person or property. However, while the legal systems
around the world scramble to introduce laws to combat
cybercriminals, two types of attack are prevalent:
- Techno-crime. A pre-meditated act against a system or
systems, with the express intent to copy, steal, prevent access,
corrupt, or otherwise deface or damage parts or all of a
computer system. The 24x7 connection to the Internet makes this
type of cybercrime a real possibility to engineer from anywhere
in the world; leaving few if any, 'finger prints.'
- Techno-vandalism. These acts of 'brainless'
defacement of websites, and/or other activities such as copying
files and publicizing their contents publicly, are usually
opportunistic in nature. Tight internal security, allied to
strong technical safeguards, should prevent the vast majority of
such incidents.

- Data Encryption
- Data encryption is a means of scrambling the
data so that it can only be read by the person(s) holding the
'key' - a password of some sort. Without the 'key,' the cipher
cannot be broken and the data remains secure. Using the key, the
cipher is decrypted and the data is returned to its original value
or state.
Each time one wishes to encrypt data, a key
from the 72,000,000,000,000,000 possible key variations is
randomly generated and used to encrypt the data. The same key must
be made known to the receiver if they are to decrypt the
- Decryption
- The process by which encrypted data is
restored to its original form in order to be understood/usable by
another computer or person.
- Denial of Service
- Denial of service (DoS) attacks deny service
to valid users trying to access a site. Consistently ranked as the
single greatest security problem for IT professionals, DoS attack
is an Internet attack against a website whereby a client is denied
the level of service expected. In a mild case, the impact can be
unexpectedly poor performance. In the worst case, the server can
become so overloaded as to cause a crash of the system.
DoS attacks do not usually have theft or
corruption of data as their primary motive and will often be
executed by persons who have a grudge against the organization
concerned. The following are the main types of DoS
- Buffer Overflow Attacks whereby data is sent to the
server at a rate and volume that exceeds the capacity of the
system, causing errors.
- SYN Attack. This takes places when connection
requests to the server are not properly responded to, causing a
delay in connection. Although these failed connection will
eventually time out, should they occur in volume, they can deny
access to other legitimate requests for access.
- Teardrop Attack. The exploitation of a features of
the TCP/IP protocol whereby large packets of data are split into
'bite sized chunks,' with each fragment being identified to the
next by an 'offset' marker. Later the fragments are supposed to
be re-assembled by the receiving system. In the teardrop attack,
the attacker enters a confusing offset value in the second (or
later) fragment, which can crash the recipient's system.
- Ping Attack. This is where an illegitimate 'attention
request' or Ping is sent to a system, with the return address
being that of the target host (to be attacked). The intermediate
system responds to the Ping request but responds to the
unsuspecting victim system. If the receipt of such responses
becomes excessive, the target system will be unable to
distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate traffic.
- Viruses. Viruses are not usually targeted but where
the host server becomes infected, it can cause a Denial of
- Physical Attacks. A physical attack may be little
more than cutting the power supply, or perhaps the removal of a
network cable.
- DES (Data Encryption
- Definition 1) (DES) An unclassified crypto
algorithm adopted by the National Bureau of Standards for public
Definition 2) A cryptographic algorithm for
the protection of unclassified data, published in Federal
Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 46. The DES, which was
approved by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), is intended for public and government use.
DES ?is a data encryption standards for the
scrambling of data to protect its confidentiality. It was
developed by IBM in cooperation with the American National
Security Agency and published in 1974. It has become extremely
popular and, because it was thought to be so difficult to break,
with 72,000,000,000,000,000 possible key variations, was banned
from export from the USA. However, restrictions by the US
Government on the export of encryption technology was lifted in
2000 to the countries of Europe and a number of other countries.
DES was cracked by researchers at MIT on
November 8, 2001, when they showed that DES was susceptible to
brute force attacks. Currently the industry has turned to Triple
DES as a short term standard to secure transactions, though
generally sluggish performance caused an outcry that resulted in a
new standard. The NIST has since identified a new encryption
scheme, known as AES or Rijndael as the heir apparent.
- Disable
- The process by which hardware or software is
deliberately prevented from functioning in some way. For hardware,
it may be as simple as switching off a piece of equipment, or
disconnecting a cable. It is more commonly associated with
software, particularly shareware or promotional software, which
has been supplied to a user at little or no cost, to try before
paying the full purchase or registration fee. Such software may be
described as 'crippled' in that certain functions, such as saving
or printing files, are not permitted. Some in-house development
staff may well disable parts of a new program, so that the user
can try out the parts that have been developed, while work
continues on the disabled functions.
Disabling is also often used as a security
measure. For example, the risk of virus infection through the use
of infected floppy diskettes can be greatly reduced by
disconnecting a cable within the PC, thereby disabling the floppy
drive. Even greater protection is achieved by removing the drive
altogether, thereby creating a diskless PC.
- Dongle
- A mechanical device used by software
developers to prevent unlicenced use of their product. Typically,
a dongle is a small connector plug, supplied with the original
software package, which fits into a socket on a PC - usually a
parallel port, also known generally as the LPT1 Printer port.
Without the dongle present, the software will not run. Some older
dongles act as a terminator, effectively blocking the port for any
other use, but later versions have a pass-through function,
allowing a printer to be connected at the same time. Even though
the PC can still communicate with the printer, there have been
problems with more recent printers, which use active two-way
communications with the PC to notify printing status, ink levels,

- Encryption
- The process by which data is temporarily
re-arranged into an unreadable or unintelligible form for
confidentiality, transmission, or other security purposes.

- Fallback procedures
- Fallback procedures are particular business
procedures and measures, undertaken when events have triggered the
execution of either a Business Continuity Plan or a Contingency
- Firmware
- A sort of 'halfway house' between hardware
and software. Firmware often takes the form of a device that is
attached to, or built into, a computer - such as a ROM chip -
which performs some software function but is not a program in the
sense of being installed and run from the computer's storage
- Flash FPGA
- An FPGA (See FPGA) that is based on Flash
technology for controlling the switching of the interconnect.
Flash-based FPGAs are nonvolatile, live on power-up,
reprogrammable, and secure from reverse engineering or
- Field Programmable Gate Array. A very
complex PLD. The FPGA usually has an architecture that comprises a
large number of simple logic blocks, a number of input/output
pads, and a method to make random connections between the
elements.The largest fastest programmable logic devices with gate
counts running into the millions.
These devices are user customizable and
programmable on an individual device basis. Valued for their
flexibility by designers.

- Ghost
- An identity that does not relate to a real
person. It is not unknown for staff with the necessary IT skills
to create a fictitious user with a password that allows that user
to access the system with impunity, knowing that an audit trail
will lead nowhere. Ghosts may also appear on the payroll, courtesy
of a user who has the power to create new files in the personnel
and payroll systems.
The creation of user profiles and the
granting of logical access rights is a high security function and
must be strictly monitored, preferably with dual controls for
creation and authorization.

- Hacker
- An individual whose primary aim in life is
to penetrate the security defenses of large, sophisticated,
computer systems. A truly skilled hacker can penetrate a system
right to the core and withdraw again without leaving a trace of
the activity. Hackers are a threat to all computer systems that
allow access from outside the organization's premises, and the
fact that most 'hacking' is just an intellectual challenge should
not allow it to be dismissed as a prank. Clumsy hacking can do
extensive damage to systems even when such damage was not
Statistics suggest that the world's primary
hacker target - the Pentagon - is attacked, on average, once every
three minutes. How many of those attacks are from hackers and how
many from Government Agencies, criminals, and terrorists, around
the world is another question entirely.
- HEX / Hexadecimal
- Hexadecimal, or 'Hex' for short is a
numbering system using base 16 (as opposed to the usual base 10).
Hex is a useful way to express binary computer numbers in which a
byte is normally expressed as having 8 bits; with 2 hex characters
representing eight binary digits - aka a byte.

- Identity Hacking
- Posting on the Internet or Bulletin Board(s)
anonymously, pseudonymously, or giving a completely false
name/address/telephone with intent to deceive. This is a
controversial activity, generating much discussion amongst those
who maintain the internet sites. There are two cases in which
problems can be caused for organizations:
- a member of staff engages in such practices and is 'found
out' by internet users, thereby associating the organization
name with the activity.
- a posting by an unrelated third party, pretending to be the
organization, or a representative.
In either case, if such posts are abusive, or
otherwise intended to stir up an argument, the likely result is a
Flame Attack, or Mail Bombing.
- Impact Analysis
- As part of an Information Security Risk
Assessment, you should identify the threats to your Business
Assets and the impact such threats could have, if the threat
resulted in a genuine incident.
Such analysis should quantify the value of
the Business Assets being protected to decide on the appropriate
level of safeguards.
- Incursion
- A penetration of the system by an
unauthorized source. Similar to an intrusion, the primary
difference is that incursions are classed as 'hostile.'
- ISP (In-System
- The ability to program and reprogram an FPGA
that is mounted on a circuit as part of a functional system. Flash
and SRAM-based FPGA technologies support ISP.
- Invasive Attack
- An attack on a semiconductor to determine
its functionality that requires physical entry to the part and
renders the part non-functional. Typical methods include etching
and FIB (Focused Ion Beam) intrusion.
- Information Asset
- An Information Asset is a definable piece of
information, stored in any manner that is recognized as 'valuable'
to the organization. The information that comprises an Information
Asset, may be little more than a prospect name and address file;
or it may be the plans for the release of the latest in a range of
products to compete with competitors.
Irrespective of the nature of the information
assets themselves, they all have one or more of the following
- They are recognized to be of value to the organization.
- They are not easily replaceable without cost, skill, time,
resources, or a combination.
- They form a part of the organization's corporate identity,
without which the organization may be threatened.
- Their data classification would normally be Proprietary,
Highly Confidential, or even Top Secret.
It is the purpose of Information Security to
identify the threats against, the risks and the associated
potential damage to, and the safeguarding of Information
- Information Warfare /
- Also cyberwar and netwar. Infowar is the use
of information and information systems as weapons in a conflict in
which the information and information systems themselves are the
Infowar has been divided into three
- Individual Privacy
- Industrial and Economic Espionage
- Global information warfare, i.e. Nation State versus Nation
Most organizations will not need to be
concerned over classes I and III, but clearly Class II is relevant
to any organization wishing to protect its confidential
- Intellectual Property
- Defined as creative, technical, and
intellectual products. Often associated with custom circuit
designs implemented in either ASIC or Programmable Logic
- Intrusion
- The technology equivalent of trespassing. An
uninvited and unwelcome entry into a system by an unauthorized
source. While Incursions are always seen as hostile, intrusions
may well be innocent, having occurred in error.
Strong verification and security systems can
minimize intrusions.




- Malicious Code
- Malicious code includes all and any programs
(including macros and scripts) that are deliberately coded in
order to cause an unexpected (and usually, unwanted) event on a PC
or other system. However, whereas antivirus definitions
('vaccines') are released weekly or monthly, they operate
retrospectively. In other words, someone's PC has to become
infected with the virus before the antivirus definition can be
developed. In May 2000, when the 'Love Bug' was discovered,
although the antivirus vendors worked around the clock, the virus
had already infected tens of thousands of organizations around the
world, before the vaccine became available.
- Mission Critical
- Derived from military usage, the term is
used to describe activities, processing, etc., that are deemed
vital to the organization's business success and, possibly, its
very existence.
Some major applications are described as
being Mission Critical in the sense that, if the application
fails, crashes, or is otherwise unavailable to the organization,
it will have a significant negative impact upon the business.
Although the definition will vary from organization to
organization, such applications include accounts/billing, customer
balances, computer controlled machinery and production lines, JIT
ordering, and delivery scheduling.

- Nondisclosure Agreement -
- A Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legally
binding document that protects the confidentiality of ideas,
designs, plans, concepts or other commercial material. Most often,
NDAs are signed by vendors, contractors, consultants, and other
non-employees who may come into contact with such material.
- Noninvasive
- An attack on a semiconductor to determine
its functionality that does not require physical entry to the
part. Types of attacks include varying voltage levels to gain
- Non-Repudiation
- For e-Commerce and other electronic
transactions, including ATMs (cash machines), all parties to a
transaction must be confident that the transaction is secure, that
the parties are who they say they are (authentication), and that
the transaction is verified as final. Systems must ensure that a
party cannot subsequently repudiate (reject) a transaction. To
protect and ensure digital trust, the parties to such systems may
employ digital signatures, which will not only validate the
sender, but will also 'time stamp' the transaction, so it cannot
be claimed subsequently that the transaction was not authorized or
not valid.
- Nonvolatile
- The characteristic of a device that does not
lose its contents when its power is removed. Nonvolatile memory is
useful in microcomputer circuits because it can provide
instructions for a CPU as soon as the power is applied, before
secondary devices, such as disk, can be accessed. Nonvolatile
memory includes ROM, EPROM, and EEPROM.

- Overbuilding
- Unscrupulous Contract Manufacturers (CM)
will overbuild on a program or contract and sell the excess on the
gray market.
- Penetration
- Intrusion, trespassing, unauthorised entry
into a system. Merely contacting system or using a keyboard to
enter a password is not penetration, but gaining access to the
contents of the data files by these or other means does constitute
Penetration Testing, is the execution of a
testing plan, the sole purpose of which is to attempt to hack into
a system using known tools and techniques.

- Physical Security
- Physical Protection Measures to safeguard
the Organization's systems. Including, but not limited to,
restrictions on entry to premises, restrictions on entry to
computer department and Tank, locking/disabling equipment,
disconnection, fire-resistant and tamper-resistant storage
facilities, anti-theft measures, and anti-vandal measures.
- PKI (Public Key
- Where encryption of data is required,
perhaps between the organization's internal networks and between
clients and representatives, a means of generating and managing
the encryption keys is required.
PKI is the use and management of
cryptographic keys - a public key and a private key - for the
secure transmission and authentication.
- Programmable read-only memory. A
semiconductor's memory device that provides read access only to
its memory content. Other versions include UV PROM (Ultraviolet),
which can be erased with UV light and EEPROM (electronically
erasable), which can be erased electrically. PROMs are typically
required to support an SRAM-based FPGA.


- Resilience
- Resilience refers to the ability of a
computer, or system, to both withstand a range of load
fluctuations and also to remain stable under continuous and or
adverse conditions.
- RSA stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman,
who are the developers of the public-key encryption and
authentication algorithm. They also founders of RSA Data Security,
which is now RSA Security www.rsasecurity.com.
The capability to use RSA security is
incorporated within the browsers of both Microsoft and Netscape
and other major corporate communication tools such as Lotus
Domino® / Notes®.
The creation, use, and management of the
public and private keys that are required for RSA security, use
Public Key Infrastructure, or PKI.
- Reverse Engineering
- The act of examining a design to understand
exactly how it works with the intent to copy the design. The
design is then altered to differentiate it from the original
design for the purpose of improving upon it or to prevent legal
action because of the theft.

- Security Breach
- A breach of security occurs when a stated
organizational policy or legal requirement regarding information
security has been contravened. However, every incident suggesting
that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the
information has been inappropriately changed can be considered a
security incident. Every security breach will always be initiated
via a security incident. Only if confirmed does it become a
security breach.
- Security Incident
- A security incident is an alert to the
possibility that a breach of security may be taking, or may have
taken, place.
- Shoulder Surfing
- Looking over a user's shoulder as they enter
a password. This is one of the easiest ways of obtaining a
password to breach system security. The practice is not restricted
to office computers, it is used wherever passwords, PINs, or other
ID codes are used.
- Skipjack
- An NSA-developed encryption algorithm for
the Clipper chip. The details of the algorithm are
- Smart Card
- Smart cards look and feel like credit cards,
but have one important difference: they have a 'programmable'
microchip embedded. Their uses are extremely varied but, for
information security, the are often used not only to authenticate
the holder, but also to present the range of functions associated
with that user's profile.
Smart Cards will often have an associated PIN
number or password to provide a further safeguard. The main
benefits of using Smart Cards is that their allocation can be
strictly controlled, they are hard to forge and are required to be
physically inserted into a 'reader' to initiate the authenticate
- FPGA (See FPGA) Utilizing SRAM (Static
Random Access Memory) technology to make the interconnect. SRAM
FPGAs are reprogrammable, volatile, and require a boot-up (see
Boot-up) process to initialize. SRAM FPGAs are not secure.

- Tamper resistant
- Often used in smart card systems tamper
resistant packaging is designed to render electronics inoperable
if the product is physically (invasively) attacked.
- Techno Crime
- Techno Crime is the term used by law
enforcement agencies to denote criminal activity that uses
(computer) technology, not as a tool to commit the crime, but as
the subject of the crime itself. Techno Crime is usually
pre-meditated and results in the deletion, corruption, alteration,
theft, or copying of data on an organization's systems.
Techno Criminals will usually probe their
prey system for weaknesses and will almost always leave an
electronic 'calling card' to ensure that their pseudonym identity
is known.
- Techno Vandalism
- Techno Vandalism is a term used to describe
a hacker or cracker who breaks into a computer system with the
sole intent of defacing and or destroying its contents. Techno
Vandals can deploy 'sniffers' on the Internet to locate soft
(insecure) targets and then execute a range of commands using a
variety of protocols towards a range of ports.The best weapon
against such attacks is a firewall which will hide and disguise
your organization's presence on the Internet.


- Virus
- A virus is a form of malicious code and, as
such it is potentially disruptive. It may also be transferred
unknowingly from one computer to another. The term virus includes
all sort of variations on a theme, including the nastier variants
of macro-viruses, Trojans, and Worms, but, for convenience, all
such programs are classed simply as 'virus.'
Viruses are a very real problem for both
organisation and individual computer users. At the present time
there are very few, if any, viruses that affect large computers,
primarily because the programming languages that those systems use
are not the same as those used to write virus code. Viruses,
therefore are a problem primarily for users of PCs and servers.
As at January 2001, there were over 48,000
known viruses. Fortunately, the great majority of these are
classed as 'rare' and usually appear only in virus research center
files. However, that still leaves nearly 5,000 viruses, classed as
'common,' roaming the world's computer networks.
- Volatile
- Inability of an SRAM-based FPGA to maintain
its configuration when power is removed.



