library bv_utilities;

use bv_utilities.bv_arithmetic.bv_to_natural,

architecture preloaded of memory is


  mem_behavior : process is

    constant high_address : natural := mem_size - 1;

    type memory_array is
      array (natural range 0 to high_address / 4) of dlx_bv_word;

    variable mem : memory_array
      := ( X"20020000",	 --           addi  r2, r0, 0
           X"ac020018",  -- loop:     sw    counter(r0), r2
           X"20420001",  --           addi  r2, r2, 1
           X"6441000a",  --           snei  r1, r2, 10
           X"1420fff0",  --           bnez  r1, loop
           X"44000000",  --           trap  0
	   X"00000000",  -- counter:  .word 0
	   others => X"00000000" );

    variable byte_address, word_address : natural;
    variable write_access : boolean;

    procedure do_write is
      subtype ls_2_bits is bit_vector(1 downto 0);
      case width is
        when dlx_mem_width_word =>
          mem(word_address) := to_bitvector(d);
        when dlx_mem_width_halfword =>
          if To_bit(a(1)) = '0' then  -- ms half word
            mem(word_address)(0 to 15) := to_bitvector( d(0 to 15) );
          else  -- ls half word
            mem(word_address)(16 to 31) := to_bitvector( d(16 to 31) );
          end if;
        when dlx_mem_width_byte =>
          case ls_2_bits'(To_bitvector(a(1 downto 0))) is
            when b"00" =>
              mem(word_address)(0 to 7) := to_bitvector( d(0 to 7) );
            when b"01" =>
              mem(word_address)(8 to 15) := to_bitvector( d(8 to 15) );
            when b"10" =>
              mem(word_address)(16 to 23) := to_bitvector( d(16 to 23) );
            when b"11" =>
              mem(word_address)(24 to 31) := to_bitvector( d(24 to 31) );
          end case;
	when others =>
	  report "illegal width indicator in write" severity error;
      end case;
    end do_write;

    procedure do_read is
      d <= To_X01( mem(word_address) );
    end do_read;

    -- initialize outputs
    d <= disabled_dlx_word;
    ready <= '0';

    -- process memory cycles
      -- wait for a command, valid on leading edge of phi2
      wait on phi2 until rising_edge(phi2) and To_bit(mem_enable) = '1';

      -- decode address and perform command if selected
      byte_address := bv_to_natural(To_bitvector(a));
      write_access := To_bit(write_enable) = '1';
      if byte_address <= high_address then
        word_address := byte_address / 4;
        if write_access then -- write cycle
          wait for Tac_first;  -- write access time, 1st cycle
        else -- read cycle
          wait for Tac_first;  -- read access time, 1st cycle
        end if;
        -- ready synchronous with phi2
        wait until rising_edge(phi2);
        ready <= '1' after Tpd_clk_out;
        wait until falling_edge(phi2);
        ready <= '0' after Tpd_clk_out;
        --  do subsequent cycles in burst
        while To_bit(burst) = '1' loop
	  word_address := (word_address + 1) mod (mem_size / 4);
          wait until rising_edge(phi2);
          if write_access then -- write cycle
            wait for Tac_burst;  -- write access time, burst cycle
          else -- read cycle
            wait for Tac_burst;  -- read access time, burst cycle
          end if;
          -- ready synchronous with phi2
          wait until rising_edge(phi2);
          ready <= '1' after Tpd_clk_out;
          wait until falling_edge(phi2);
          ready <= '0' after Tpd_clk_out;
        end loop;
        if not write_access then  -- was read
          d <= disabled_dlx_word after Tpd_clk_out;
        end if;
      end if;
    end loop;
  end process mem_behavior;

end architecture preloaded;